Hi, everyone. Aaron now for Zollotech and todayApple exhausted iOS 14.6 beta two. This is available to developersand soon to public beta testers. If it’s not available latertoday, often it’s the next day, but it’s rare that it’s a Saturdaysince this is an odd Friday release. Usually by the time you’re watchingthis video, it will be out. Now, this came in at 305.4 megabytes.That’s on my iPhone, 12 pro max. It was similarly sized on theiPhone XR and the iPhone 7. They are still aboutthree to 400 megabytes. And I too have it on the iPadwhere Apple too exhausted iPad iOS 14.6 beta 2, watchOS 7.5 beta two and likewise tvOS 14.6 Beta 2. So far, there isno macOS Big Sur 11.4 beta two. Now let’s go ahead and take a look atthe build number and talk about what’s new. So we’ll go to settings then we’llgo to general than about as you can see, the build digit is 18 Ffive zero five five B.Okay. A is usually when we get close to thefinal version and this part update being the second version I did not expectwithin about a week of the other one. Nonetheless, “were not receiving” new modemupdate in this particular update. There is no change to the modemupdate, at least from iOS 14.6, that I could see now, asfar as new features, well, there’s a couple small things to noteand the first one will deal with informs. So if you go to software update, when you’re looking for an update andmaybe you don’t have the access to wifi, he’ll now get promptedto update via cellular, according to what’s in the actual code.So if you weren’t seeing this before, some countries previously had the option toupdate over cellular more countries or more locations shouldnow be able to do that, but we’ll have to wait and seeonce it rolls out to the public.If everyone is seeing that, I’ll tryit next time when beta three “re coming”. For sure though. Now in podcasts, there’s some alterations as well. We’re waiting for Appleto update podcasts. So let’s go into husk CAS and we’re waitingfor a brand-new due work within podcasts. And if we sounds on theupper right where our brand-new icon is, this was exhausted with iOS 14.5. Let me tap on my icon here in here. You’ll now insure we have theoption to manage subscriptions. This wasn’t there before it’s now present. And while there are nosubscriptions to manage it, it’s something that’s a littlebit new and that’s changed. Now, another new vary hasto do with air tags. Now, whether or not this shows up there, supposedly in emoji picker when you paira brand-new air label. So let’s try that out.I’ll pair this air tag thathasn’t been set up yet. Only pull the little thinghere like that. There we go. We’ll deliver it close to the iPhone. Iwant to pair it with, and there we go. We’ll smack connect and then we can name it. So maybe a custom nameand we can perhaps just say office and we’ll changethat a little bit later, hit continues And now youcan actually espouse an emoji. So if you’re doing a customer call, it will now ask you to choose an emojifor that special custom-made mention of whatever you’ve you’ve chosen. So youcould pick whatever it is you crave, maybe, Oh, let’s just select this onefor now. We’ll touch continue. And now it goes into the normal setupwhere you register it.You hit continue, and now it’s connecting.We’ll wait for it here. Precisely a moment it’s setting upand now it’s paired to my iPhone. So that brand-new persona is the emoji pickerthat wasn’t there before in iOS 14.5, just something a little bit newwith breeze calls. And if you have one, you may see that if youpick a practice name now, along with this Apple alsopushed an update to planneds. This is available to iOS 14.5 as well. And it allows for cycling directionsin California, all of California now, as well as Seattle Washington. So if you want to mayberoute this particular routehere, we’ll reach the bicycle, reached go. It would take four hours.I’m not familiar with this area, but now you can get cyclingdirections for that location.And it gives you an overview and it shouldalso show you different altitudes as well. So there’s bike alleys, shared arteries, and it tells you all ofthe different bike directions. If wishes to perhaps take abike trip throughout California. So that’s available there in Seattleas well. And then additional to that, the brand-new app tracking privacy aspect. If you go into privacy and you want todisallow tracking while the easiest way is just turn it off. But some people were seeing thisgreat out in iOS 14.6 beta one, it looks like it’s no longer grayed outfor anyone. And even for some people, it’s actually kind of beingunlocked for them on 14.5. So apples being able to push a lotof server side fixes these days. And so if you want to get a notificationevery time you an app wants to request your information and sharethat, keep it turned on. If you precisely want to disallow everything, keep it turned off and youwon’t get prompts for it. And it will block any trackinginformation between different apps. The best path to do this is just leaveit off. You won’t get bugged by it, and it will obstruct everything private.If you do want to havemaybe a specific app, use your info for marketing, well, then you can turn it on. Now, as far as anything else, that’s obvious, it does not appear that there’sanything that’s changed more. I presume most of the big changes willbe coming with iOS 15. For example, however, Apple I hope is stillworking on dark-green tent. For example, since some people still experiencethis with iOS 14.5, for example, and maybe some lockups and thingspeople are having with that, of course, I do plan to have a follow-up thisweekend about iOS 14.5 with thousands of responses of what you had to say.But as far as within their records, they mentioned nothing else. That’sspecifically fixed in this update. So by the time it comes out, therewill probably be implemented bug fixes.But at this pitch, there’s not thatthey’ve mentioned no on the iPad. There’s nothing really any differentother than what I’ve already mentioned, as far as the breeze tagsand podcasts, for example. So you can set up your air label, come that custom-made emoji during setuppodcast subscriptions will be coming. So those things are here, but nothing specific to iPad. I think of those changes arecoming to iPad iOS 15, for example, when that’s in June or so with WWDC now, as far as performance overall, well, it’s only been out a marry hours, so this is a surprise on a Friday. Some beings mentioned that it was alittle bit gradual and that they re-installed consuming personal computers and it was faster.I’ve never knowledge that myself, but “if youre having” major problems, then certainly I wouldrecommend doing that.But concert overall seems pretty good. And we’ll take a look atthe benchmarks in a moment, but achievement seems prettydecent. Even on the iPhone seven, this has only been installedfor a little while, and I frequently use music as sort of astandard open it live here on the screen. And it’s actually quite smooth.There is somewhat of a setback, but quite smooth whenyou’re first opening it, perhaps we’ll go over to applibrary, go into the app library. It seems so fairly smooth for aniPhone seven. So that’s a good signaling. I would imagine this will improve aswe get closer to the final handout, but if you’re still having editions, make sure you report those in feedback. Of direction , now let’s go ahead andtake a look at the benchmarks. I did flowed them on all of these devicesand then we’ll talk about battery. So let’s go into geek bench.So we’ll go into that. And I ran in a pair terms on the iPhone, 12 pro max and 10 are just tosee if the score would improve.And on the iPhone 12 pro max, Iscored 1,595 for a single core, 4,153 for multi-core. If wego into history, go to CPU, let’s see if we can findthis here. So today, April 30 th and poem betaone, which was April 22 nd, it is a little bit higher on singlecore and higher on multi-core. So it seems to be performing wellbased off of this, of course, it could speed up overthe next couple of days. Let’s go ahead and take a look at allthe manoeuvres so you can compare as well from left to right. I have the iPadair two followed by the iPhone seven, then the iPhone 10 R andthen the iPhone 12 pro max. And I did run it a couple of goes onthe 10 hours that was requested in the beta one video. But the work requires giveyou a general doctrine of what to expect.If you have any of these devices, bothold, all the way up to the newest. Now, as far as overall battery life will, it will take a few daylights to measure. I’ve been using iOS 14.5, primarilyon my 12 pro max, my blue-blooded edition. And now I’m use it on thegraphite 12 pro max with 14.6 beta two. So I’ll be swapping to this full timeafter I do the follow-up video so I can get more data about this and what theoverall use is. But if I going to see my artillery, of course, battery healthon this is 100% generally. It’s been pretty good there. Andif we go to the last 10 daylights, of course you can see, Ididn’t use it a whole lot. Now, beings that were reporting iOS 14.6 betaone battery life is now substantially saying it was about the same as 14.5. Not too many beings said itwas much different if at all. So most of the time it was prettygood as far as that moves. But again, it will take a couple of epoches to knowwhat it’s like. Since you have to run it, tell everything complete in the background, then use it throughout a day or two tosort of have it reconfigure the battery after it’s rebooted and freeinstalled operating systems. Now, if you’re on an iPhone 11, still, maybe reconfiguring and sortof recalibrating the artillery. So that could be used to take time as well. Now, as far as if you should installiOS 14.6, beta two. Well, if you’re already on beta one, then sure. I would try beta two. And of course report feedback ifyou’re having topics. However, if you’re on iOS 14.5, you don’treally want to deal with imperfections, or you’re trying to fixsomething from 14.5. I would hold off until we’re closer toa final liberation of this version and this particular version I would expect tocome out probably in the second half of may.In fact, it looks like Apple is going to releasethe brand-new iMac that ran for pre-order today, as well as the iPad or startshipping them at least on the 21 st of May. They said the second half of may, and you need Macalester 11.4, which is also in beta in order for thoseIMAX to be supported as well as the brand-new iPad. It looks a lot like the 21 stmay be when we see this release, although we could see asmaller update in between. So somewhere in the last twoweeks of may, I would expect it. We’re already moving quicklywith beta one to beta two. So perhaps we’ll have betathree next week as well. So it looks a lot like they’re moving prettyquickly with 14.6. And of course, like I mentioned earlier on June7th, we’ll see iOS 15 betas, and then even iOS 14, betas continue perhaps 14.7 0.8 all the way until September until I was 15 is releasedalongside the next iPhone. We’ll realize all of those things very shortly. It’s getting to be a very exciting timewhen we determine maybe a redesign with iOS 15, for example, but as far as 14.6 beta two, it seems okay overall, I’ll be experimenting it on my other iPadas well, as soon as I modernize that.But I generally try to keep itconsistent between all of these videos, but if there’s a differentdevice, you’d like to see, let me know in the comments below. And if you’d like to getyour hands on this wallpaper, of course I’ll link it in thedescription like I usually do. If you haven’t subscribedalready though, satisfy subscribe. And if you experienced the video, being given it a like as always. Thanks for watching. This isAaron. I’ll told you next time ..
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